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Thursday, March 4, 2010

~Closing and Opening Doors~

When one door closes, another one opens.  That’s what they always say, at least.  They never go on to describe the pain associated with every creak of the closing door.  Why does the first door even have to close first before we are permitted to unbolt the door unlocking the new roads? Why can’t we just leave all the doors open and keep the house full of fresh air and daisies?  That notion is much more appealing in my opinion.
I’m a typical young woman; full of aspirations, fears, and desires. I have had amazing experiences, great friendships, as well as hill top mansions full of closed doors. In spite of the numerous disappointments and tears, I still seek out the perfect path that is not littered with speed bumps, fallen trees, or uneven gravel.  Whether or not it is to ever be found, I don’t know, but I’m determined to keep up the search.  I feel that I have exhausted the possibilities for the future without coming to a conclusion. Perhaps I need to key into some of those locked doors and examine the ransacked rooms once more.  The answer has to lie between dusty shelves and broken relationships. 

1 opinionated responses:

anotherwomanbyrose said...

Life is it !!!! one door closed, one window is oppening!

great feellings!
