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Saturday, December 5, 2009

~Back in JB-1~

I have so many back logged stories to write about, and I will get to them, but for now let me keep it in the present. :) I am currently back in Jonesboro. The person I thought I was, that I found, in Spain, has not completely dissipated, however, I have digressed a bit in the strength of my heart. It is funny how that one person can make you weak, even after being so strong for so long. I haven't lost all of my nerve, but I have to say that being put back into certain situations, with certain individuals, has softened me a bit. The old, soft version of me peeks her head out every once and awhile. This old me can let too much sadness and anger in at times. I sometimes wish that I would stay strong and stand up to these temptations, but at the same time, this old Dani is still a part of me and I must embrace that. The emotional, flying off the handle, finger-snap in your face, girl must come out at times or I wouldn't be true to myself. These times are hard...a young woman just trying to figure herself out while not getting repeatedly hurt. A terrifying feat in itself, not to mention the other outside distractions that come into play. I'm a big girl now, and these bills don't pay themselves. :) It's a stressful life, but I LOVE it...the challenges only make me stronger, and the pain only makes me wiser.

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