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Sunday, December 27, 2009

~Sticks and Stones~

So, I've had this blog space for some time now, and I have yet to make any real use of it. Sure, I have posted poetry, a few meaningful lyrics, and random Me Time ramblings; none of which have any consistency or relativeness. But, I have yet to create my blog. Simply 'having' a space means nothing if one doesn't utilize it. What has been holding me back? If I had to answer that question, the most simple response I have is fear. Fear of the big green blogger monster? Not exactly. It is the fear of my own thoughts. Let's just say, my mind is not as clear as it should be, in fact, the fog has overcast all rational emotions leaving me practically inept to form a proper sentence. On top of this fear is a sense of self doubt. Well, self doubt is a little harsh, second guessing myself is, perhaps, a better way to put it. A friend once explained it to me... he said that I am a perfectionist when it comes to my words and impatient for the outcome. What he meant, is that I want poetic precision to flow from my pen (or keyboard) to my blank paper (or screen), without flaws. So when I find my thoughts rambling and I can't organize my mind, instead of scribbling down the mumble jumble, my stubborn ass simply refuses to write at all. With that I lose precious time and thoughts out of pure stubbornness. It made so much sense! It was an interesting revelation that put me in my place. I have always dreamed of writing, and while I have yet to study the art, I can at least hold my own. Who's to know if I never try?! So, here I am...Let's see if I keep my promise to myself and at least give it a shot. After all, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. :)

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