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Saturday, May 10, 2008

~Exhaust each moment~

We've all heard it: "Don't take life for granted. Live each moment as it were your last. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Etc..." And we may even live by it for a few days after something devastating happens to remind us...But how many of us forget after a few weeks?! I know I am guilty of it, and I'm ashamed of this. Here God has blessed me with another beautiful day of health and life, and I take it for granted again. That snap back to reality can be brutal. We all need to just take one short moment to sit back and feel the air filling our lungs. We are spoiled with the riches of life. It's almost an embarrassment when we think about all we have and here we are still complaining about one thing or another. If we knew we only had six months to live, our outlook would be a lot different. We would grasp life with both hands and hold on tightly to each second, of each moment, of each hour, of each day. If we knew we were going to lose someone, we would immediately run to them and tell them how much we care. Why wait?! We need to embrace the good in the world and give some of it back every chance we get. Life is beautiful and it shouldn't take a tragedy to remind us of this. I know that some negativity cannot be avoided, and that at times pessimism will get us down, but at least the goodness should be celebrated and life should be lived! Stop thinking about doing it and do it! Exhaust each moment of all you can and be grateful of what you do have rather than tiring yourself with what you don't.

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