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Saturday, May 10, 2008

~Late night thoughts, day time words~

Life sure does have a way of throwing you for a loop at times. One minute you think you have it all figured out then ‘BAM’, you really don’t know the people you surround yourself with daily. It amazes me how people can claim to be someone they are not for so long, without breaking a sweat. It’s as though they truly convince themselves that they are this person who they claim to be and hide behind that shroud. That is the only explanation that I can come up with in this context. Oh, I have faith in the goodness of people, but I doubt most loyalty. Selfishness seems to have taken over the minds and hearts of so many people. I can’t explain to you about all of the betrayal I have witnessed in such a short time. Good friends betraying friends, infidelity, and disrespect. It is enough to lead one to some seriously negative thoughts or actions. Betrayal by the ones who claim to love you the most, without the opportunity of avoidance, can really tear at a person if they let it. I find myself at a loss for words a lot more nowadays. The things that people will do to others amaze the hell out of me. I’m not only talking of the things that I have gone through myself, but of what I have seen the people I love go through. It’s been a crazy ride, amusing at times… The best part is the individuals who think they are home free and safe behind the idea that their secret is secured and locked away… All I have to say to you is keep on thinking you got away with it, it’s ok…Live in your world of denial. You are who you are, and no amount of tears nor anger from either side is going to change that fact. That is one thing I can say that I have learned. The selfish ones will have their brief moments of bliss as they do what they please without regards to those who care for them… But it is they who will find themselves one day without that love and companionship once the gig is up and their friends and companions get tired of dealing with it. There is only so much forgiveness one can give. Once it is over it is over, and those who disregard others will find themselves exactly where they were running from, that loneliness that they are so scared of… Karma is a mutha and even the slickest of them eventually slip and fall in their own deep pools of disloyalty. I am not the one to judge so I won’t. To those who are getting fed up with the bull, all I can say is do what you gotta do, remove yourself from the situation and let them on their own merry little way...they will get theirs one day...all we can do is filter out those who are not good for us and appreciate those who truly deserve our love and respect…. And to those who are putting up a front, I don’t understand how you think, and I almost don’t want to. If it is worth it to you, then there is nothing anyone can say to make you realize what you did or are doing is wrong. Just keep in mind that what goes around comes back around and I can promise that the grass is not always greener on the other side and you may wake one day in deep regret and you won't be able to change it back. You made the bed, and whether it be sooner or later, you will lay in it.

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