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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

~Dizzy With Helplessness~

What is the point? This is the question that has been haunting me lately. I NEVER thought I would get to this point; to a place where I was so tired of everything. Maybe tired isn't the word for it, it's more like confused and lost. Life is so mundane, so joyless. I know that I am the one who is responsible for my own happiness, but it is getting more difficult as each day passes. I don't even know what makes me happy anymore. When I look in the mirror, all I see is a hopeless woman, lost to herself as well as to the world. I don't recognize myself anymore, much less the people around me. The key players surrounding me are so unfamiliar. It can be scary at times. I don't know how to turn myself back around. I'm dizzy with helplessness. I feel disgusted with myself for even feeling like this. I am alive and healthy and there are people who are in worse situations than I, but I just can't seem to shake this feeling. I know I will get there, I just wonder when. It has to get better...right??

3 opinionated responses:

Valerie said...

I guess we all go through that feeling at some point. Try to focus on what you have. Force yourself to write daily a "I am grateful for ...." or "I had a great day because ...". It helped me a lot.

And I would also recommend you a book named "Add more ing to your life: a hip guide happiness" by Gabrielle Bernstein. I'm one of the brand ambassador but I read the book and it is honestly amazing. She's located in NY and lecturing very often if you want to give it a try ... Check out her website:

Hope to soon see a picture of you smiling,



~Dani~ said...

Thank you for your comment, much appreciated; and I will check out the book. I'm always looking for new books, so thanks! :)

Marcos Vinicius Gomes said...

Oh, darling
I suppose that you are living bad times because you are confuse about priority in your life. When you put this priorities on the paper and scrutinize them, this action will bring to you the assurance you are looking for.