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Monday, June 8, 2009

~Fuck You~

Fuck you, you continuously hurt me
Without any observation to the fact.
Fuck you, you continuously lied to me
Without any consideration of my heart.
You took this tender soul
And made it cold and bitter.
You took this trusting heart
And slowly chiseled it to a pulp.
All I wanted was to take care of you;
Nurture you; be your shoulder.
All you wanted was a secret
To use when needed, then move on.
Fuck you and your comforting words;
Your soft deceiving eyes that caught me.
Fuck you and your lack of heart,
Your disrespect and dishonesty.
I have to admit you had me trapped,
A fool, time and time again.
Fuck you! No…. you fooled me once…
The shame is on me, I fucked myself instead.

0ct/Nov/Dec 2006

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