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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~The Irony of Solidarity 2~

My early morning walks, that take me to a temporary job, are small bittersweet pleasures of my current life situation. Bitter because it is a fifteen minute walk, usually in the rain or cold, at eight in the morning, to a job that I don’t really enjoy. However, it has its’ sweet side. It gives me a set period of time where I am just here, in Spain, walking along and taking in all of the early morning customs. The deliciously inviting smells escaping the numerous bakeries that line the streets. Fresh and hot bread, oh so tempting, though I never have an extra minute to stop and savor a small treat. My nose is not only taunted by bread still warm from the oven, but also the smell of freshly brewed coffee that seeps into my nostrils. The coffee shops that I find every sixth step tempt me to call in late to work just to have a cup of cafĂ© con leche. Topping off the incredible coffee and bread, are the people. The Spanish are usually up early yet not expected into work until late (late in American terms signifying nine or ten in the morning). They get up and are already in the streets as I am getting out of bed. They have their ritualistic cup of coffee with colleagues and enjoy their time just being there. For the most part, the culture has an “Enjoy life and live in the moment” mentality. This aspect of the culture, I love. It’s a relaxed life here in Spain as I partake in rituals and customs so different from the fast paced world of my own.

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