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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~Reaction To A Photo~

It was there, in that noisy little library, where I came across a silent photo spoke a thousand words.
A young woman with skin the color of midnight, clothed in the bright tones of the sun, sat staring blankly into a world that seemed to have long forgotten she existed. Sadness and exhaustion had taken a mental, as well as physical, toll on her. Despite of this, she continues to do her part, ritualistically, as she gives the last nutrients needed from the stretched, empty flesh that hung formlessly where used to be a youthful and full bosom. The young boy unknowingly makes eye contact with the camera as he is innocently content with his fresh life, oblivious to the trials of the real world he was born into. His lively eyes express a stark contrast to those of his tired mother.

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