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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~Let's Do This!~

Until now I have posted randomness that I found interesting..nothing of substance; nothing that has to do with my life. And, I have to say, I am leading a very interesting life...I really cannot complain! I mean, I'm young, not too bad looking, have a few talents ;), relatively intelligent, and most excitingly (it's a real word, look it up!) living round two in Spain.

SPAIN! What a difference! A small time girl coming from Steubenville, Ohio living in Andalucia. It's brought about some interesting stories that I have yet to put into writing. Some stories so incredible that they are hard for even me to believe. I mean, who would have thought that pigs really can fly! Ok, so I made that up; but after things that I have encountered, I wouldn't be so quick to dispute it now!

On a serious note, my few travels and numerous new friends have brought about unforgettable experiences that I wouldn't trade for the world. There have been millions of laughs, thousands of mistakes, and hundreds of changes. This is me time and I plan to take advantage of every last second. Who knows, maybe there will be a round three!?

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